Here you will find a selection of articles, news, poems and general writing to help you get to know Becky’s views and style.

“Stop spreading yourself so thin.”

Are you spreading yourself thin all the time, feeling that you’re not doing anything well? Tired, exhausted, trying to do everything?

Do you feel your not concentrating in any area because you’re often stressing about the other areas… eg feeling you should be working when you’ve taken time off to be with the kids, feeling guilty you’re not with your kids or partner when you’re at work ?! Rushing from one thing to the next with no breathing space, no leeway if something goes wrong eg not filling the car with petrol or not preparing for that presentation or having to cancel tickets to that show because you doubled booked yourself again!

The good news is it’s is possible to change. But it’s not a case of you having bad organisational skills or lacking in something , it’s a bit deeper than that.

But Why does it matter? It kind of works ok right? Well think about if you don’t change. Think for a moment about being 70, 80 years old, in an armchair, thinking back on your life. Did you do the things you wanted to? Or did you miss out on a lot because your mind wasn’t really there.. it was thinking about the huge list of stuff you need to do.. write that report, go to the meeting, buy the new School uniform, do the shopping, catch up with that old friend. It matters because if you don’t address it you just get more stressed , unhealthy, possibly end up making more mistakes and being more disorganised and time poor. Have you noticed that happening? You won’t be the best version of yourself and this not only affects you, your decisions, your actions but the people around you. If you’re not in a good state of mind and body how can you achieve results, help others and be a loving person to be around?

So Here’s how:

  • Recognise your beliefs , some personal examples…’I have to do everything, I am the only one who can, if I say no to work it will close a door , it needs to be done now, it should be possible as other women do it. I have to always be there for every school play, sports day etc, I’m a bad mother if I don’t do xyz and abc! It means I’m uncommitted in my job if I work part-time. My needs don’t matter, you’ll do something for yourself later.. I should just stop moaning and be grateful for all the stuff I have! Dreams are not meant to be fulfilled… ‘ etc. What beliefs do you have?
  • Create new beliefs , inc affirmations eg – I am successfully achieving what I set out to do. I am fully present in my relationships. I take time to nurture myself. I value myself enough to release old relationships that are draining me. I spend my time doing activities that are important and significant to me.
  • Be mindful. Spend some time being present, noticing colours, shapes, nature, really listening and engaging in the current activity whatever that may be and especially who it may be.. put your phone away next time you meet that person for coffee.
  • Set goals – what do you REALLY want to be doing – what’s really important to you ? How clean & tidy does your house need to be? Is that your goal or someone else’s … Mrs Stepford for example ?! What career goals do you have. What goals do you have on your bucket list.
  • Get someone on board to help you, friend, partner, coach, someone who you can trust, who understands where you’re coming from and can help you identify your successes and times you may need to make adjustments in your thinking.

I hope you found this useful. For more tips & motivations you can follow my page or you can have a Free no obligation call with me that will help you personally to get started on making these changes.


For nearly two moons there had been no silence, snow was driving fast across the barren land and the acrid wind had cut splinters painfully into his face. Now with some shelter the black wolf, lay heavy like a thunder cloud. His pacing had left his mind possessed. Now he waited.

Waiting for a shift, a lift, a break in the storm. His strong muscles twitched yet they felt slack, they needed blood. Strong and yet weak with anguish.

Then finally it came, slithers of white misty light piercing the wet sky. He lifted and padded out across the ice, alone, into the dawn. Gently at first, feeling his way, then trusting his forefathers and letting his instincts guide.

Then there suddenly, his piercing eye brought a gift of soft dappled copper amongst the dank forest green. He knew she was his. Pace quickening, breath deepening the wolf found his knowing rhythm. He knew he needed this. Every stride gave him strength, the chase was his respite, his heart pounding now as he reached full force, his mind finally quiet. In minutes he launched violently at her neck. He knew his strength was no match. She was weak from the harsh winter and waiting for her peace to come.

As he sank his teeth deep into the warm bloody flesh of the beautiful deer her smell filling his nostrils he felt the serine relief from her soul that her body could give life and only then his starvation hit him. Now that he could taste food again, in that moment what had guided him had also unveiled his hunger and his mortality. He would also be reminded that this would not be the last time.


Doesn’t Mother Nature and the world around us have a wonderfully gentle way of teaching us? Let me show you too what I was reminded of this morning as I jogged along on my morning run. I started to notice all around me the new growth of the trees, and not just the growth but the beauty, vibrancy and transformations that were taking place. And as I ran, I thought about the new growth going on inside me too, the new oxygen being brought to my blood, the growth and development in my muscles, the cells that were renewing and changing, and I remembered that nothing stays the same, we are physically never the same being as, after all, we too are living.

So if our bodies are growing and changing then so too are our minds. Physically cells and neural pathways will be changing, old ones fading away giving way for the new. Just as the golden leaves of autumn drift away on the breeze and make way for the vibrant beautiful new leaves and flowers.

And the same is true of our thoughts and our beliefs. In order to grow and to blossom, the old thoughts and beliefs need to drift away and make way for the new that will bring ideas, energy and life. So I would like to invite you to take a moment now to look at the wonderful beauty, and energy that is created in new growth and whilst doing this allow yourself to let some new beliefs start to grow and develop.
What new beliefs can you grow that will give you vibrancy, energy and beauty, that will transform you, that will bring welcome change, a new perspective and development to your life?

Would you like to see these changes both physically and mentally? Do you have old beliefs that could be stopping growth and the new leaves coming through?

You can develop your ideas further with Neuro Linguistic Programming and coaching and I would love to hear about your thoughts on growth.

BOLD Coaching Group arrives in Cambridge!

Do you want to live a full and connected year during 2020?
Do you want to feel more confident in your choices and decisions?
Do you want to get clarity around all the priority areas of your life, and gain focus for the coming
Do you want to make sure your goals and habits for the year ahead are 100% aligned with your
values and life-aspirations, and not based on what you think you should be doing?
Do you want to have fun learning about the things that are important to you, with a group of like-
minded women, and start to see some satisfying progress in those areas?
If “yes” to all the above, join us at first session of the year – on INTENTION – and get 2020 off to the
best possible start – if you like it, you can join us for the complete adventure – give yourself the gift
of 2 hours a month to focus on you and see the difference it makes!

Option also open to join part way through the year!

Waiting for a shift, a lift, a break in the storm. His strong muscles twitched yet they felt slack, they needed blood. Strong and yet weak with anguish.

Then finally it came, slithers of white misty light piercing the wet sky. He lifted and padded out across the ice, alone, into the dawn. Gently at first, feeling his way, then trusting his forefathers and letting his instincts guide.

Then there suddenly, his piercing eye brought a gift of soft dappled copper amongst the dank forest green. He knew she was his. Pace quickening, breath deepening the wolf found his knowing rhythm. He knew he needed this. Every stride gave him strength, the chase was his respite, his heart pounding now as he reached full force, his mind finally quiet. In minutes he launched violently at her neck. He knew his strength was no match. She was weak from the harsh winter and waiting for her peace to come.

As he sank his teeth deep into the warm bloody flesh of the beautiful deer her smell filling his nostrils he felt the serine relief from her soul that her body could give life and only then his starvation hit him. Now that he could taste food again, in that moment what had guided him had also unveiled his hunger and his mortality. He would also be reminded that this would not be the last time.

Get In Touch

If you are interested in working with me, please get in touch.